Laser Safety Software
The Laser Safety Software LaserSafe PC is an up to date laser safety standards a comprehensive and versatile program that covers many laser and LED situations.
The Laser Safety Software LaserSafe PC is an up to date laser safety standards a comprehensive and versatile program that covers many laser and LED situations.
Duration: 1 to 2 days
Accredited on-site training for becoming a laser safety officer according to the german optical beam protection ordinance (held in English or German).
Duration: according to customer requirements 0.5 to 2 days
On-site laser safety training or laser safety instruction (in German or English) tailored to customer requirements.
Optoblok is a new system for optical tables to protect the environment from laser radiation and scattered radiation of the optical structures.
Laser safety goggles with polycarbonate filter and a daylight transmittance of 80 %.
The laser protection windows for UV and CO2 made of polycarbonate were specially developed for the most common laser systems.
The laser protection windows 765-1400 nm made of acrylic, with a daylight transmission of 21 % protect with a filter thickness of approximately 3.2 mm.
Laser safety goggles according to EN 207 with a polycarbonate filter and a daylight transmittance of 60 %.
Laserschutzbrillen nach DIN EN 207 mit Polycarbonat-Filter und einer Tageslichttransmission von 93 %.
Laser safety goggles according to EN 207 with glass filter and a daylight transmittance of 65 %.
Our experienced safety expert checks your laser system for laser safety according to current standards and issues you a certificate of the laser class achieved.
Laser safety goggles according to EN 207 with a polycarbonate filter and a daylight transmittance of 25 %.
This laser beam profiler features a CMOS sensor that guarantees frame rates of up to 60 Hz with high dynamics and is suitable for large beam diameters up to 11 mm.
The beam analysis camera WinCamD-IR-BB with integrated microbolometer array enables analyzes on long-wave lasers in the range of 2 μm to 16 μm.
DataRay's ILM system is used for beam profile monitoring of high power lasers consisting of an attenuator for high powers, an imaging lens system and a camera system. The measurement of very small laser beams with diameters of less than micrometers is possible despite often high laser powers.