Laser safety certificate

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Reference number: TUT-Gutachten

Our experienced security expert checks your laser, laser devices or laser systems according to current standards for their safety and will issue a certificate upon successful acceptance or classification.


Need more info?
Contact our expert.

Laser Safety Team
Phone: +49 8153 405-11


Would you like a laser safety report or do you need an expert for a laser safety inspection?

Then we recommend a longtime safety expert, who also applies his expertise as an independent consultant to various laser manufacturers.

Based on current standards, he checks your products for laser safety and creates a certificate for you.

Laser safety includes the following reports:

  • Testing and Certification of Lasers in Your Business
  • Classification of lasers with respect to the laser class
  • Risk analysis of freely accessible laser radiation (MZB value)

For the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OSTRV) "Risk of Workers Due to Artificial Optical Radiation" the expert advises you on the following topics:

  • Solutions for optimal laser protection in your company
  • Design and implementation for the integration of laser sources into your machines or production lines
  • Assessment and documentation of potential hazards in your company