Laser shutter LS-30 up to 20W
Air-cooled laser safety shutter for up to 20 W of optical power. Can be mounted horizontal or vertical.
Shutters are optical locks that block the beam path in the event of unauthorized access and thus prevent laser radiation from leaving the laser environment uncontrolled. The laser shutters either absorb the entire laser power or direct it into an external beam dump using a mirror. The shutter can be manually operated and integrated into the safety circuit of an interlock control system.
Air-cooled laser safety shutter for up to 20 W of optical power. Can be mounted horizontal or vertical.
Air-cooled laser safety shutter for up to 20 W of optical power. Can be mounted horizontal or vertical. Safety standard SIL3.
Air-cooled laser safety shutter for up to 20 W of optical power
The laser shutter LMT-LS-20SIL-24 is suitable for all kinds of laser.
Air-cooled safety shutter with a beam trap (beam dump) laser to 20 W optical power.
Air-cooled safety shutter with a beam trap (beam dump) for lasers up to 100 W optical power.
This laser beam profiler features a CMOS sensor that guarantees frame rates of up to 60 Hz with high dynamics and is suitable for large beam diameters up to 11 mm.
The beam analysis camera WinCamD-IR-BB with integrated microbolometer array enables analyzes on long-wave lasers in the range of 2 μm to 16 μm.
DataRay's ILM system is used for beam profile monitoring of high power lasers consisting of an attenuator for high powers, an imaging lens system and a camera system. The measurement of very small laser beams with diameters of less than micrometers is possible despite often high laser powers.