Wavelength (nm)
Operating Mode
Average Power

The illumination spectrum of lasers is usually narrower band than conventional light sources resulting in a very coherent light beam. Laser 2000 offers an extensive selection of lasers and other specialized coherent light sources.
Lasers are selected based on wavelength, power, pulsed or cw operation, and other criteria.

Single multiband wave excitation is a revolutionary length innovation in mercury-free microscopy that takes advantage of recent advances in lighting technology. With a much lower environmental impact, this cost-effective modular LED source with single or multi-band wavelength illumination is groundbreaking.

JDSU helium-neon lasers with the wavelength 632.8nm are available in the power range from 0.5 mW to 22.5 mW.

The Photon Systems Deep UV laser product family is a revolutionary new family of deep ultraviolet laser products.


The FIR-/THz lasers are optically pumped lasers used in applications where coherent radiation in the range of 40 μm to 1.22 mm (0.25 –7.5 THz) is required.

The modern and compact MLI Excimer Laser series from MLase are UV light sources at 193 nm or 248 nm with high pulse energies up to 16 mJ and repetition rates up to 1,000 Hz !

JDSU’s air-cooled argon lasers are designed for complex, high-resolution applications such as flow cytometry, DNA sequencing, graphic arts, and semiconductor inspection


The PL series of continuous wave, grating tuned, infrared gas lasers sets the standard for high power, stable sources for a wide variety of applications in molecular spectroscopy.

Single Frequency Laser Diodes from Photodigm, Wavelengths, and Packages 730 nm to 1090 nm Laser Diode.

The SWS CO2 laser integration modules consist of CO2 laser source and galvanometer scanning head. For a wide range of applications the modules are available from 20 W to 400 W.

Single-mode wavelength stabilized laser withhigh output power, ultra-narrow spectral bandwidth and a diffraction limited output beam in a TO-56 package.


VCSELs (Verical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers) are laser diodes that emit their light vertically from the chip surface. Here you can find an overview of our VCSEL products.