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Reference number: EDI-FIR

The FIR-/THz lasers are optically pumped lasers used in applications where coherent radiation in the range of 40 μm to 1.22 mm (0.25 –7.5 THz) is required.


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Model 295

This model 295 is a stand-alone FIR laser designed for operation with high power CO2 lasers. Guaranteed powers of 150mW
when pumped by the PL5, and 500mW when pumped by the PL6, are available at 118.8μm and 184.3μm. The 295 has a 3 bar invar support frame and features the same optical design as used in the FIRL 100. 

Model 395 Twin Laser

The model 395 features two identical FIR laser cavities within a single 5 bar invar stabilised frame. This is particularly designed for applications where two FIR outputs are required such as Plasma diagnostics, with one frequency offset from the other by up to a few MHz. Both FIR cavities of the 395 are pumped by a single PL6 Laser to ensure optimum stability of the Intermediate Frequency (IF). 

Model FIRL 100

The model FIRL100 has both the CO2 pump laser and the FIR laser housed in an integrated structure combining a highly efficient optically pumped FIR system into a single compact unit. The lasers and coupling optics are mounted within a 5 bar invar rod frame for excellent thermal and mechanical stability. The CO2 section provides 80 lines between 9.1μm and 10.9μm and features a flowing gas single discharge tube giving more than 50W on the strongest lines.