Laser Beam Profiler WinCamD-LCM
This laser beam profiler features a CMOS sensor that guarantees frame rates of up to 60 Hz with high dynamics and is suitable for large beam diameters up to 11 mm.
The LASER, that light generated by stimulated emission of radiation, which was first put into operation on 16 May 1960 by Theodore Maiman in the form of a ruby laser, takes materials processing to a new level.
Development in the laser sector has progressed extremely quickly. As early as the mid-1970s, the first lasers were used in industry to process materials. Primarily, lasers were used in cutting systems, as the cutting process proved to be a controllable process right from the start. This technology was further developed and is very widespread today.
Laser 2000 offers all components for these applications and with our technical know-how we develop, together with our partners, the solution for your process. Not too small, but not oversized either. Tailored to your needs, we enable you to use the most modern techniques in your production. You concentrate on your application and we develop the right solution together with you.
This laser beam profiler features a CMOS sensor that guarantees frame rates of up to 60 Hz with high dynamics and is suitable for large beam diameters up to 11 mm.
The beam analysis camera WinCamD-IR-BB with integrated microbolometer array enables analyzes on long-wave lasers in the range of 2 μm to 16 μm.
DataRay's ILM system is used for beam profile monitoring of high power lasers consisting of an attenuator for high powers, an imaging lens system and a camera system. The measurement of very small laser beams with diameters of less than micrometers is possible despite often high laser powers.