Laser Roller-Blinds -motorized

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  • laser_2000_lmt_store_de_protection_laser.jpg
  • laser2000-storedeprotectionlaseraveccadrefaceblanche.jpg

Reference number: LMT-MRB

Laser blinds and laser shields for doors or facades.


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Contact our expert.

Laser Safety Team
Phone: +49 8153 405-11


Motorized Laser-Roller-Blinds

A side in WHITE, the other one in BLACK

The material is fireproof. When irradiated with greater than 0.5 MW/m2 it will emit a non-hazardous smoke and may glow, thus indicating that a stray beam is present. Protection times given by the material at various power densities are shown in the specifications below.

Curtain side Irradiated Area(mm2 ) PEL (T2) 100s(MW/m2 )
White side 1 3
500 0,7
Black side 1 1
500 0,5

Max width: 2.8 m
Max height: 3.0 m
Maximum vaules are weight dependend so not both extrems are possible at the same time.

All blinds are certificated to CE after the norm EN 60825-4 (security for class 4 laser products: Laser protection products)