Digital components from AOI

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Reference number: AOI-digitale-Komponenten

AOI is a leading manufacturer of optical semiconductors for demanding analog and digital transmission systems. The portfolio includes analog optical components, digital optical components, and optical data transceivers.


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Digital components from AOI

AOI (Applied Optoelectronics Inc.) offers a full range of digital optical components with a bandwidth up to 4GHz. C-Temp and I-Temp versions achieve a high output power with a wide range of dynamics through good temperature control. Components for CWDM and DWDM are also available in I-Temp version.

Portfolio of digital optical components:

  • TO and TOSA Lasers:
    CWDM (1270-1610 nm) TO-56 lasers up to 4.25 Gbps for C-temp, I-temp and extended I-temp ranges. Low thermal slope efficiency change over temperature. DWDM C-Band receptacle and Pigtail Box TOSA up to 4.25 Gbps for C-temp and I-temp. Low dispersion power penalty.

  • Coaxial and Butterfly Lasers:
    CWDM digital Coaxial lasers, I-temp operation with +6 dBm output over temp for 1270-1610nm range. CWDM and DWDM digital Butterfly lasers for C-temp operation (6-13 mW), 100 GHz channel spacing. Low dispersion power penalty.

  • FTTx Applications:
    ONU Diplexer (bidi), Triplexer (tridi), and OLT diplexer packages for PON applications. ONU diplexers for RFoG applications.

  • 10 Gbps Lasers:
    1270 nm and 1310 nm TO and TOSA lasers.

  • Special Applications:
    1625 nm lasers for supervisory channels.
    WDM-PON TOSA using injection locked FP technology for C-band and L-band.