High Speed Multifunction Polarization Controller— PolaMight™


Reference number: GPC-MPC-203

The MPC-203 is a special version of GPCs’ Multifunction Polarization Controller which can reach extremely high rates of polarization change. It combines PolaRite™ II/III polarization controller with proprietary polarization control algorithms to achieve a wide range of polarization control functionalities.


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High Speed Multifunction Polarization Controller— PolaMight™

The functionality includes high speed continuous (‘Tornado”) polarization scrambling,  random-rate  polarization scrambling with Rayleigh rate distribution, discrete-state polarization scrambling with high slew rate, sine, square, and triangle-wave SOP modulation, and manual polarization control functions.

Unique Features PolaMight™:

  • High speed SOP scrambling with SOP change rate up to 4.9 Mrad/s
  • Scrambling with Rayleigh rate distribution
  • Discrete SOP scrambling
  • SOP modulation
  • Low IL, PDL, PMD, and AL
  • Bright OLED display

Applications High Speed Multifunction Polarization Controller:

  • SOP response test of coherent receivers
  • SOP tracking speed test
  • PMD and PDL related tests
  • SOP variation emulation
  • Polarization scrambling