High-Speed Polarization State Generator - PolaPal

High-Speed Polarization State Generator - PolaPal™
  • High-Speed Polarization State Generator - PolaPal™

Reference number: GPC-PSG-001

GPCs' high-speed polarization state generator (PSG) module provides the ability to generate 6 states of polarization (-45°, 0°, 45°, 90°, RHC & LHC) across the Poincaré Sphere in less than 250 ?s, with an impressive repeatability of less than 0.1 degrees.


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High-Speed Polarization State Generator - PolaPal

It comes as a compact module ideal for integration into systems that require precise generation of these 6 polarization states or precise 90° polarization rotation.

Features PolaPal:

  • Digitally Switched SOP
  • Switching Speed 250 ?s or less
  • 0.1 degree SOP Repeatability
  • 6-bit TTL Control
  • Compact

Applications High-Speed Polarization State Generator:

  • Polarization OTDR
  • Polarization Rotation
  • Mueller Matrix-based Polarization Analysis
  • Swept-Frequency Measurement