BeamR, rotating Single Plane Scan

  • dat-beamr_1_pfad.jpg
  • beamr-screen_01.jpg

Reference number: DAT-BR2-xxx

The scanning system BeamR with rotating slots for the measurement of lasers with diameters of 0.5 microns to about 3 mm.


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Single Plane Rot. Slit Scanning System BeamR


The BeamR shows the basic design of our scanning systems with rotating slits. It can be used for cw or qcw lasers. The puck (rotating disk) inside the scan head carries four different slits (2 XY slit pairs) in one plane rotating perpendicular through the beam. Due to the slit pairs with different slit width, we are able to measure spot dimensions between 0.5 µm and 3 mm without the need to change slits, by changing the calculation method from scanning slit to knife edge. There is no possibility for the user to change the slits or the puck respectively.

The scan head can be rotated around the optical axis. An integrated encoder shows the effective angle in the software. This allows a very easy location of the main axis of an elliptical beam by rotating the head around the axis. The measurement speed is > 3 Hz. Profiles are scanned with 12-bit intensity resolution. Spatial resolution is < 0.1 µm.

Slits are of true 2D design and are made applying a lithographic process, suitable for highest power densities. The advantage of this design is to avoid any reflection or tunnel effect with multiple reflections within the propagation direction of the light, when measuring highly divergent sources.

The BeamR is our most inexpensive Single-Plane Scanning Slit solution and is used mainly to measure beamprofiles of small intensity distributions. A measurement of pulsed sources with pulse repetition rates of >100 Hz and high duty cycle is possible as well. The maximum optical power to be measured is 1 W total or 1 mW/µm2 resp.

The complete system consists of the scan head, a PCI-card (1/2 length), the connecting cable and the Software with manual.


  • Wavelength range from 190 nm - 4 µm with four different detectors
  • 12 Bit Digitalisation
  • XY profiles in real time (> 3 Hz)
  • Resolution < 0.1 µm
  • Smallest beam diameter 0.5 µm
  • Optical dynamic range 45 dB

Parameter: Specification
Laser systems: cw, pulsed rep.rate > 100kHz high duty cycle
Wavelength range:
Si-Detector: (nm) 190 - 1150
InGaAs-Detector: (nm) 800 - 1700
extended-InGaAs (nm): 1000 - 2200
InAs-Detector: (µm) 1.5 - 4 (on request only)
max. optical power 1 W or 1 mW/µm? for details please see chart
Dynamic range: (dB) 45
Measurement range: 0.5 µm to 3 mm (ø 2 mm @ InAs)
Resolution: 0.1 µm or 0.5% of beam diameter
Profiles: X ; Y or X&Y, lin. or log. display / 2D; 3D
Profil parameters: beamdiameter / gaussian fit / Ø acc. to 2.moments / Knife Edge / centroid / ellipticity / beam pointing etc. please look at Software
Update Rate: (Hz) 3.6
Analysis: Pass/Fail, Avaraging, standard deviation
Dimension: see drawing in data sheet