OSE-Antireflection coatings

OSE-Antireflexion Beschichtungen
  • OSE-Antireflexion Beschichtungen
  • OSE-Antireflexion Beschichtungen

Reference number: OSE-Antireflex

AR-Coatings for all our substrates


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Optics & Optomechanics Team
Phone: +49 8153 405-11


We offer a wide range of anti-reflection coatings that can be used on our lenses, quartz glasses, lenses or windows. The coating reduces the reflection losses of the optics and protects other optical components from the reflex.

By using our IAD (Ion Assisted Deposition) coating system, even glass fiber ends can be coated at low temperature. IAD coatings can thus cover most fibers and their endface finishes be applied.

Our "Super-V" coating provides the Ultimate Reflective Coatings (R <0.1%) for narrowband applications.

We also offer a laser line V coatings, broadband multilayer AR coatings, multiband AR coatings, Telecom AR coatings, and single-layer AR MgF2 coatings.Standard coatings can be easily ordered by appending a suffix to the product name.

The pages to be coated. For more complex We recommend that you consult our applications Engineers will be happy to advise you on the best coating for your needs.

On BK-7 substrates:

Super V: R <0,1% per surface at a certain wavelength

V-Coating: (λ <325 nm) R <0,5% per surface at a particular wavelength

V-Coating: (λ> 325 nm) R <0,25% per surface at a particular wavelength

Multiband AR: R <0,25% per surface at a certain wavelengths

Broadband AR: R <0,6% per surface area above the specified range

MgF2 AR: R <2,5% per surface over the specified range

Standard antireflective coatings are listed in the following table.

Type of Coating Wavelength range [nm] Reflectance per surface [%] Coating Suffix
Super V Coating 633 <0,1 V33
Super V Coating 670 <0,1 V36
Super V Coating 780 <0,1 V40
Super V Coating 830 <0,1 V43
Super V Coating 980 <0,1 V44
Super V Coating 1012 <0,1 V45
Super V Coating 1064 <0,1 V46
Super V Coating 1310 <0,1 V48
Super V Coating 1550 <0,1 V49
V  Coating 193 <0,5 A03
V  Coating 248 <0,5 A04
V  Coating 266 <0,5 A05
V  Coating 281 <0,5 A06
V  Coating 308 <0,5 A07
V  Coating 325 <0,25 A08
V  Coating 337 <0,25 A11
V  Coating 352 <0,25 A13
V  Coating 355 <0,25 A14
V  Coating 351-364 <0,25 A15
V  Coating 405 <0,25 A18
V  Coating 416 <0,25 A16
V  Coating 428-441 <0,25 A17
V  Coating 476-488 <0,25 A19
V  Coating 514 <0,25 A22
V  Coating 521-532 <0,25 A26
V  Coating 543 <0,25 A28
V  Coating 594 <0,25 A30
V  Coating 612 <0,25 A31
V  Coating 633-635 <0,25 A33
V  Coating 670-694 <0,25 A36
V  Coating 750 A39
V  Coating 780 <0,25 A40
V  Coating 830 <0,25 A41
V  Coating 905 <0,25 A43
V  Coating 980 <0,25 A44
V  Coating 1064(1047-1080) <0,25 A46
V  Coating 1150 <0,25 A47
V  Coating 1310 <0,25 A48
V  Coating 1540-1550 <0,25 A49
V  Coating 2060-2100 <0,25 A50
Multiband AR 510-530&745-765 <0,4 A57
Multiband AR 633&1064 <0,25 A77
Multiband AR 532&1064 <0,25 A78
Multiband AR 266 &532 <0,5 & <0,25 A79
Multiband AR 240-360 <0,5 A51
Multiband AR 360-532 <0,6 A52
Multiband AR 425-675 <0,6 A55
Multiband AR 525-975 <1,0 A56
Multiband AR 600-900 <0,6 A58
Multiband AR 600-1600 <2,0 A59
Multiband AR 670-1100 <0,6 A62
Multiband AR 850-1500 <0,6 A63
Multiband AR 800-1200 <0,6 A66
Multiband AR 1100-1600 <0,6 A67
Multiband AR 2600-3000 <0,6 A69
MgF2 400-700 <2,5 A88
MgF2 650-1250 <2,5 A89
MgF2 1100-1600 <2,5 A99
Telecom AR 1260-1650 <0,4 A92
Telecom AR 1300 & 1550 <0,25 A93