Online seminar, Application training laser safety

  • Online only
Praxistraining Laserschutz
  • Praxistraining Laserschutz

Reference number: BLZ-Fortbildung-Laserschutz-OL

The focus of this seminar lies on the refreshment of the basic knowledge about laser safety as well as pratical applications.

Duration: : 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Tax excluded


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Contact our expert.

Laser Safety Team
Phone: +49 8153 405-11


Practical training laser protection

Through this training, you refresh your knowledge of laser protection and receive important information and practical tips. The training is offered in cooperation with the Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH (blz). 

In accordance with OStrV, the laser safety officer must keep up to date his specialist knowledge through advanced training. This training refreshes your knowledge of laser protection, which is fundamentally acquired in a laser safety officer training and has a deeper understanding of your daily professional life, and thus fulfills the OSTRV requirement for continuing education. You will receive important information and practical tips, learn about the current legal situation in which the laser safety officer is currently located, and deepen your knowledge about measurements and calculations for laser protection. Discuss your specific questions with our partner blz and benefit from its many years of experience in the field of laser safety.


  • Refresher laser protection:
    • STOP principle
    • Group exercise for hazard assessment
    • Laser protection measures
  •   Current legal situation:
    • New version of the OStrV
    • TROS laser radiation
  •   Laser safety relevant assessment of laser workplaces:
    • Approach based on case studies
    • Calculation and measurement of laser beam parameters
    • Demonstration on the design of a laser safety system
  •   Selection of personal protective equipment:
    • Determination of the required protection levels for laser protection and adjustment goggles
    • Presentation of a program to support the selection of laser protection and adjustment goggles
  •   Calculations:
    • Exposure limits and eye safety distances (NOHD)
    • Example calculations from practice
    • Introduction to the calculation software LaserSafe PC
  •   Measurement exercises:
    • Use of laser adjustment goggles
    • Application of measuring instruments
    • NOHD measurements on a HeNe laser
  •   Discussion of concrete questions of the participants
  •   Seminar Language German

Certified laser protection according to DIN standard

Laser 2000 has been offering you a comprehensive range of articles and training courses for laser protection for several years. Find out more about the DIN-certified laser protection products here!