Sources de lumière

Single multiband wave excitation is a revolutionary length innovation in mercury-free microscopy that takes advantage of recent advances in lighting technology. With a much lower environmental impact, this cost-effective modular LED source with single or multi-band wavelength illumination is groundbreaking.


The CNI series cw diode lasers are available with nearly all commercial available wavelengths.


Fully integrated laser Top Hat illumination system for life sciences, environmental and scientific applications. The used technologies guarante a beam profile with high uniformity (U) and no high frequency noise.

La série ML6600 est un système laser qui supporte jusqu'à 8 lasers intégrés. Il est contrôlé par un logiciel PC ou directement par des signaux analogiques/numériques. Une large gamme de longueurs d'onde allant de 400 à 2000 nm est disponible pour ce combiner plug and play.