Imagerie hyperspectrale
Imagerie hyperspectrale

The Resonon airborne system is a turnkey solution, for the analyzation of georegistered hyperspectral data. It includes all necessary hardware and software in one light and stable system which can be mounted on a drone or a manned aircraft.

Resonon´s complete hyperspectral imaging systems for laboratory and outdoor applications. Hyperstpectral imaging camera, tripod with laptop tray, rotational scanning stage and software are included.

Resonon´s hyperspectral benchtop systems are specifically designed for laboratory use and include all components and software for recording and analyzing hyperspectral data cubes.


Filters are a key accessory in machine vision. They work together with camera, lens and light source.


Powerful continuously tunable filters from Delta Optical Thin Film for spectroscopy, characterized by high transmission and high edge steepness.

La Pika IR+ est une caméra hyperspectrale proche infrarouge haute performance. Avec une plage spectrale de 900 à 1700 nm, 640 pixels spatiaux et une résolution spectrale de 5,6 nm FWHM, elle est idéale pour les applications exigeantes en laboratoire et sur le terrain.